Different types of warehouses

2 min read

For any common person, the warehouse is just a warehouse and if you ask any manufacturer what is warehouse then you will get the appropriate answer as they know the importance of the warehouse. You can find different types of distribution and warehousing management. If you consider the online businesses for them the warehouse is not just a place to keep their goods is also a place from where their orders get fulfilled. Before selecting any warehouse it is better to have an understanding of each type of warehouse.

  • Distribution centers: The distribution centers are more spacious and bigger than all the other types of warehouses. The goods stored here are moved faster and they get the goods from various suppliers and the goods are transferred in a very short period of span. These centers are constructed near the transportation office to avoid delays in the delivery time.
  • Public warehouse: These warehouses are owned by the government sectors and generally taken on lease by the small business owners as they do not have their warehouse and the government or public warehouse is cheaper compare to another warehouse.
  • Private warehouse: You can understand by the name itself that it is a personally owned warehouse by a big manufacturer, wholesaler, etc. The private online large marketing people also pre-owned warehouse so that they can store merchandise for distribution according to the requirement.
  • Bonded warehouse: The bounded warehouse is either owned by the government or private agencies. These are typically used to store all the imported products before custom duties are taxed on them. The companies who are using these storage warehouses do not pay tax until the product is released out. To run a bonded warehouse the individual must have licenses to operate from the government.
  • Climate controlled warehouse: In this type of warehouse, those products are stored which need to be kept at a specific temperature like fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc.


Hope this information will be useful to understand the warehouse types and which one to be used accordingly.

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