General information about the winter garden

2 min read

A winter garden is an extension to an existing building or an independent structure, the roof and side walls of which are largely made of glass. In many places, it is advisable to orientate yourself towards the south in order to make optimal use of the sun’s rays. The winter garden acts as a heat buffer between the house and the cold outside air when it is connected to the house.

However, it must be taken into account that a lot of heat is lost due to the large glass surface. It is therefore essential to plan and build the sunroom additions in Tulsa, OK professionally in order to minimize energy losses. A properly constructed winter garden also uses the so-called greenhouse effect and thus enables many plants to be overwintered that would perish without this protection.

With the greenhouse effect, solar energy is used to heat the indoor air instead of conventional heating techniques. A winter garden must be separated from greenhouses that are intended for professional plant cultivation and also from covered terraces with side wind protection. A so-called summer garden is generally unheated compared to a winter garden, which is why it is also called a cold winter garden.

It is important to determine which type of conservatory best meets your needs. It is important to find out whether a cold winter garden or a warm winter garden is more suitable. A cold winter garden is not heated. It is cheaper than a warm winter garden and can be used as a wintering area for plants. However, it is also not as stable and tends to form condensation and mold . You have gained an additional living area in spring and autumn, but no additional living space in winter.

The warm winter garden is also called residential winter garden, as it is heated to over 19 degrees Celsius all year round and can therefore be lived in at any time of the year. Which heating is suitable for the winter garden should be clarified individually. In any case, this home conservatory is necessarily better insulated, for example by multiple glazing . It must meet higher requirements in terms of energy savings and building permits. If you can’t decide, consider a temperature-controlled winter garden, this is heated a little during the heating season but not to the living temperature so that the plants can survive.

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